Skin care advice: lotions and dieting

Skin care advice: lotions and dieting


Most people enjoy the basic human function of washing. It makes us feel refreshed and revitalised, and a shower or even a swift wash at the sink is often what kick-starts our day. But that daily activity of cleansing can take its tall. So in order to keep your skin in peak condition it is advisable to follow some basic precautions.

It can be very tempting to relax and soak in a hot bath for a long time, or just remain under your shower enjoying those soothing jets. However, in time, being blasted by all this water actually removes vital oils from your skin. What you should really get into the habit of doing is limiting the amount of time you spend in your bath or under your shower. Additionally, you can choose to employ warm rather than overly hot water.

Detergents and soaps can also remove oil from your skin. What you want to do is avoid using strong soaps, and choose milder cleansing agents instead. When it comes to shaving your skin, always apply cream gel or lotion in the first instance. For a close shave of legs or arms, employ a clean, sharp razor. Disposable razors are fine for a short term, don't keep on re-using them as they will eventually get blunt and the blade will not be nearly as effective. Also ensure that you shave in the direction that the hair grows rather than going against the grain.

Once you have bathed your skin you should gently blot or pat it dry with a towel. If you rub the skin too vigorously with a towel you will do subtle damage. Far better to employ the former technique that will ensure some moisture will remain on the surface of the skin.

If your skin is particularly dry, then seek advice about which moisturizer would best shoot your skin type. If you would like to use a moisturizer on a daily basis you should also consider whether or not it contains SPF.


DietAdopting a healthy diet has multiple benefits. Aside from the obvious effects on countering potential weight issues, your skin will certainly be affected. In order to look your best you don't have to starve yourself. Simply enjoy the food you like in moderation. There are numerous diets to choose from, but the common denominator in most is to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grain products. Scientists remain unclear about the link between acne and dieting, although certain research papers have suggested that any diet regime that is rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats will have a positive effect on skin.

People who do not adopt healthy diets run the danger of putting on excess weight. This can eventually begin to put pressure on areas of your skin, particularly around your midriff. As weight fluctuates it will have the effect of expanding and then contracting skin. This will not only damage the surface of the skin, it will leave unseemly stretch marks.